印尼計畫增加500艘鮪漁船群島國印尼為達成2009年鮪魚產量增加二成之目標,遂於今年4月初在巴里島舉辦的印度洋鮪類委員會(IOTC)年會中,提出於現有的874艘漁船外再增加500艘申辦公室出租請案。印尼漁業部表示,俟申請修訂IOTC配額通過後,即需時間與充裕的資金分階段增加鮪漁船數。印尼2007年正式成為IOTC會員國,其去年水產品總產量為871萬公噸,其中鮪魚卸魚量就租辦公室高達125,933公噸,較前年成長3.8%。以促進漁業資源永續經營為宗旨的IOTC,結合會員國的力量共同管理印度洋鰹鮪類資源。(摘譯於INFOFISH Trade News,NO.7/2009,15 April 2009長灘島)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`Indonesia plans to increase its tuna harvest by 20% in 2009. To achieve this target, Indonesia proposed to add 500 辦公室出租more vessels to theexisting fishing fleet consisting of 874. This proposal was placed at the IOTC meeting held during early April in Bali. The proposedincrease in 辦公室出租the number of tuna fishing boats to be deployed under the requested amended IOTC quota would have to be done on phasesas this would require time and substantial 整合負債investment, stated the Fishery Ministry in Indonesia. The request is made considering thecountry’s huge archipelago, which is one of the largest in the world.Last 資產管理公司year Indonesia harvested 8.71 million MT of fish and fishery products in which tuna landings were 125 933 MT - 3.8% higher thanthe previous year.The Indian Ocean 好房網Tuna Commission (IOTC) manages tuna and tuna like species in that area with the objectives of promotingsustainable fishery resources and co-operation among its 禮服members countries. Indonesia is a full member of IOTC since 2007.

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